veil {slow} Profile picture

Jun 20, 2022, 14 tweets

🎭 Interstitial Fragments

a mini AU where seokjin and hoseok, actors—and ex-lovers—reunite years later when they're cast as the leads in the same sci-fi movie, /An Infinite Second/

📌 epistolary/mixed-media
📌 rated G

#2seok #珍錫 #홉진


📽 original tweet:


📝 some notes!

📌 inspired by the film everything everywhere all at once
📌 also inspired by the films of wong kar-wai


🍿 film poster for An Infinite Second


🍿 more posters for the most anticipated sci-fi film of 2022, why not


🎬 [6/14]

📑 pg. 0 / pg. 79 / pg. 83


🎞 [8/14]

🎞 [9/14]

🎞 [10/14]

🎞 [11/14]

🎞 [12/14]

🎞 [13/14]

🎞 [14/14]

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