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Jun 21, 2022, 10 tweets

Presenting British GQ’s final #GQHeroes cover star: @DaisyEdgarJones.…

.@DaisyEdgarJones: “I’m a big reader, and I know that feeling when you watch something like, ‘Huh. It’s not how I expected it.’”…

.@DaisyEdgarJones on being an only child: “You learn how to behave around adults from an early age. Because you’re not sat at the kids table, you’re sat with the adults, being quiet and listening.”…

.@DaisyEdgarJones on social situations: “I’m so concerned about how the other person is experiencing it that I’m not actually experiencing it myself.”…

.@DaisyEdgarJones: “The trick is not worrying – which I find so hard – if people like you or not. You’re always, always looking for the bad comment. We’re just wired that way.”…

.@DaisyEdgarJones on Fresh: “It was on the call sheet as ‘Noa chomps Steve’s dick. They used chopped-up peach and fruit for the flesh that I spit up.”…

.@DaisyEdgarJones: “[Women] live with an awareness of threat that is just so ingrained and normal that you don’t even clock it.”…

.@DaisyEdgarJones: “It’s the risk factor of dating as a woman: worrying about wanting to be open to meeting someone new, but also being so aware of the risks involved in.”…

.@DaisyEdgarJones: “I’m just really self-critical, and it’s boring! I’m trying not to be that way. When do you get to the stage of just being like, ‘It is what it is’? When do you get to that point?”…

.@DaisyEdgarJones: “I am drawn to watching relationships play out on screen and the dynamic. How different we can be with different people.”…

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