Charles Michel Profile picture
Official account/Compte Officiel - President of the European Council/Président du Conseil européen

Jun 21, 2022, 5 tweets

Peace, prosperity and stability. They go hand in hand.

Europe will always be the partner of development, the partner of progress, and the partner of peace & stability.


We are mobilised with the G7. The EU will do its utmost to overcome this severe food crisis that is already present in a number of countries.

It threatens us collectively for the next few months and perhaps even for the next few years.


There are other crises in the world, in many other places, where human madness, instability or insecurity bring misery, sadness and pain. The EU has not forgotten.

We wish to remain a committed player in humanitarian & political support and resolve differences through dialogue.

We now need to change the paradigm. To have more of a culture of evaluation. To look eye to eye at what is going well. And to be able to further develop when methods are successful. But also to be able to correct when we realise that the recipes of the past do not work.

This war started by the Kremlin is an opportunity for some to develop false information.
EU sanctions are strictly targeted & don't concern in any way food products.
On the contrary, EU has been mobilised since day 1 to contribute to resolving the risk of a food security crisis.

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