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Jun 22, 2022, 9 tweets

❄️Cold Wallets vs 🔥Hot Wallets and why you should have both:

A Thread 🧵 (1/x)

1/ What is a Cold Wallet?
A simple answer is a Cold Wallet (Hardware Wallet) is a wallet that has never been connected to the internet. This is important because it ensures your seed phrase hasn't had any exposure to the internet. (Never take a picture of the seed phrase)

2/ What is a Hot Wallet?
The easiest way to understand a hot wallet is to compare it to something like your MetaMask/Coinbase Wallet that you use to mint. Hot Wallets tend to be the wallets you have set up on your phone, web browser and desktop wallet.

4/ Use Case:
A new NFT Project comes out. I would load up my hot wallet or burner wallet (@MetaMask) with ETH then proceed to their website to mint. After mint you would send the NFT from your hot wallet to your cold wallet (@Ledger)

5/ Why should you do this?
Imagine the situation where that NFT you minted had a malicious contract or you interacted with a malicious dApp that could steal your NFTs or Crypto.

6/ NOTE:
The Cold Wallet & Hot Wallet combo allows you to be safer by keeping your assets safer in your cold wallet (Treat this like a vault).

7/ Pro & Cons of Hot Wallets:
- Convenient
- Good for minting new projects
- Good for Degen plays (Risk)
- If your seed phrase is compromised, the entire wallet is at risk
- Less effort involved to compromise a hot wallet

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Website: walletguard.app

🎙 Web3 Security Radio: Episode 4 🎙

Time: Sunday, June 26th at 3pm EST.
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