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I'm a Savage.. I'm an AssHole I'm A King!!!🔥 The only legal Catfish 🔥🇿🇦.. BLACK TWITTER President

Jun 22, 2022, 12 tweets

Under the power vested on me by the Black Twitter Constitution I hereby declare round 2!!

gathered information Your favourite pornster and the side she doesn’t want the public to know about her

Let’s start with root of the cause..

This Samke’s mother she is from Ulundi Emahlabathini Esgodi the woman who who introduced her daughter in this family business 🍑

Hlengiwe Nkwanyana she is on every every hook up page on Facebook..

She is Baddie that side of Ulundi

The news that we getting Samke has 3 kids the third one is hidden because he is an embarrassment

Apparently the father of the boy is her stepdad … Hlengiwes rich boyfriend

That man is has money that’s why Hlengiwe didn’t mind selling her daughter Samke to sleep with this man … but Hlengiwe presents the boy as hers to the public

Before we continue.. feed your eyes with Ulundi Baddie

When Samke was in Varsity she was struggling her mom couldn’t pay the rent and send money so that’s where’ her mom encouraged her to start hustling for her own shit

That’s where Samke started sleeping with everyone So she can eat and pay Res

Now that I gave you her background and Ukdunusa

Fast forward to why they broke up with BLEM..

She lied about going home ..

Her and her mom had a hook up with this Nigerian Guy

There was a video taken ..that’s why Blem lost her shit and kicked her out

Samke went to the police and frame Blem with GBV but the case didn’t go far but it’s not closed yet

Samke took her furniture she currently stay at Ranburg at the Garage.. 😭

The video they took with this Nigerian man when she is banged with her mother it’s coming

I’m patiently waiting .. as soon as we getting I’ll send it to the porn page that’s where you’ll watch a mother and daughter being shagged by Jelof Rice

See you when I get the video lemme Work!!!!

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