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Independent Journalist. Fmrly @cbsla @aljazeera. Subscribe at https://t.co/F4rJHXvac4 🇪🇹🇺🇸 RTs not endorsements hermela.aregawi@gmail.com

Jun 23, 2022, 5 tweets

THREAD: So far, candlelight vigils are being held in the following 12 cities for victims of the June 18 #AmharaMassacre in Welega, Ethiopia #SoEWelega🚨NYC | Oakland | Aurora |Atlanta | Houston | Garland | Seattle | Los Angeles | Kansas City | Minnesota | Cambridge, MA | Ottawa

Houston | Garland | Seattle | Los Angeles #AmharaMassacre #SoEWelega 🚨

Kansas City | Minnesota | Cambridge MA | Ottawa Canada #AmharaMassacre #SoEWelega🚨

Washington DC #AmharaMassacre #SoEWelega 🚨

Toronto, Canada #AmharaMassacre #SoEWelega🚨

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