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🌟 Empowering influencers to find purpose & manage crisis. 20+ yrs marketing, $1M+ ad 💵, 1B+ 👀. Survived a Taylor Lorenz hit job 🦾 Podcast @itsgivingsports

Jun 23, 2022, 7 tweets

Taylor Lorenz speaking to a packed house at #VidCon

I’m live :)


You reap what you sow. #vidcon  should know who you are & what you’ve done to people like me. Enough w the lies, the twisting of facts, the doxxing, the playing victim. @VidCon take a hint for next year - we have all had enough of Taylor Lorenz.

Clip: @thevivafrei @barnes_law

Go follow @CelinaSpookyBoo • It’s not her fault Taylor Lorenz likely scared everyone away from her panel @ #vidcon An embarrassed Lorenz then diminishes Celina’s successful career by gaslighting ppl into thinking Celina has a “smaller fan base”. She has 27M+ #TaylorLorenzIsALiar

.@CelinaSpookyBoo drew a crowd at #vidcon  today. And I’m not being sarcastic today. Wonder what excuse Taylor Lorenz will make now.

.@toxicmaleclips went to the Taylor Lorenz misinformation panel so we didn’t have to.

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