Rohit Ghumare | That #DevOps Guy✍️ Profile picture
🥑 Founder @devrelasservice ☁️ @googledevexpert for @googlecloud 😶‍🌫️ #CloudNativeAmbassador by @cloudnativefdn 👨‍💻

Jun 24, 2022, 10 tweets

What is Cloud Computing?☁️

✍️ Check this basic cloud Cheatsheets for more details

🚀 Fraud Detection & Prevention
🚀 Cloud Services
🚀 Virtualization


🚀 Containers
🚀 Benefits of Cloud Computing


🚀 Cloud services flowchart
🚀 Three types of Clouds


🚀 CSP use-case




🚀 Risks
🚀 PaaS


🚀 Hypervisors
🚀 Containers


🚀 Private and Hybrid cloud


I loved this Cheatsheets, I don't own the credits for this.❤️‍🔥

Just wanted to share this beautiful work and help the #DevOpsCommunity 💙

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✍️ I write content related to MLOps, DevOps, CloudOps and Trends.

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