Billy Korando πŸƒβ˜•οΈ 🐈🐈 Profile picture
#Java Developer Advocate @Oracle β˜•οΈπŸ₯‘. @KCJUG co-organizer. Formerly; @IBM, @KeyholeSoftware, @niprcom. Opinions are my own. Trolled by @briseida_ko πŸ’

Jun 24, 2022, 7 tweets

Hey #Java Developers, β˜•οΈ

Here's your Friday #SipOfJava thread! 🧢🐈

Improving performance or reducing memory footprint is important to reducing the cost of running Java applications, especially when using public cloud platforms. Here are some ways to accomplish this!


Often the best choice would be to upgrade to the latest JDK version, which provides significant runtime benefits.


Here is a bit deeper look at some of the runtime improvements to the JDK in recent releases.


Improving startup is often a focus for Java applications. One of the easiest ways of improving startup is by using AppCDS!


Choosing the right GC for your application is important as well. Let's look at the comparative performance goals of the currently available GCs in the JDK.


Measuring the impact of performance changes is critical to ensure they are having the expected impact, as well as finding areas where performance might need to be improved.

Tools like JDK Flight Recorder are an excellent choice for this.


Happy coding!


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