રિધ્ધિ RIDDHI Profile picture

Jun 25, 2022, 5 tweets

Morning TL


Role Of MuPo In SSRCase Is to cover up the Case & Destroy Evidences😡🔥

CBI Probe Role Of MuPo In SSRCase as Your SIT team reports you & stated that Sanctity was compromised🔥

Role Of MuPo In SSRCase

Why PBS lied about SSR last google searches??

Role Of MuPo In SSRCase

When will CBI arrest PBS in at least those that Case Which is already filed??

Role Of MuPo In SSRCase

Without magistrate permission, Why Postmortem Performed in mid night??In CBI team's asking about What's the hurry in PM doctors replied that they got order from Mumbai Police to do so,, CBI Knows about Mupo's role yet not grilling, Why?? Caged Parrot 🤔

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