Marisa Kendra Profile picture
Sometimes the world really is your oyster 💋 Dentist•Traveling the world one continent at a time 🌍🗺 Just connecting the dots...

Jun 27, 2022, 15 tweets

Good morning CT!
Timestamp June 27th, 2021, thoughts on a decode 🧵:

Pool posted 3 of the 5 of these at 7:35pm (7+3+5=15=6). 3 posts at 6 (666) ➡️ (999) ➡️ ♾, 18=9, 27=9 -- 6/27 is 6/9 ➡️ ♾ As Above, So Below

Pool's next timestamp on "Trust"
6:33pm (6+3+3) ➡️ 12 = 3 plus (date: 6/27), ultimately 369
Trust = 17 = Q, Trust Q's plan

"Trust" has a red background (market crash all in the red?🤔) Trust the plan to crash everything?

Biden "crashing" bike on crosswalk on 6/18/22 = (6 / 1+8) ➡️ 6/9 ♾ Crosswalk resembling the post with the finish line also chess board (masonic symbolism). Hoover Dam has many symbols/references to the masons.
Clock post close to midnight = overnight,"military time"=0:00 (RESET)

Truck crash on (street sign) Lake Mead - brings us back to Ivanka Trump's Hoover Dam post.
Lake Mead = 312 (6), 52 (7) = 13
Hoover Dam = 606 ➡️ 12 = 3, (*909) ➡️ 18 = 9; 101 = 11
Ultimately 9/13, 9/11, 311/113 patterns

Zero Hedge post mentions "Dead Pool"-interesting tie to Mr. Pool reference (watch the water ➡️ Lake Mead). Photo of collapse/sunk boat (looks similar to Titanic maybe, financial system collapse)

Less than 150 feet (1+5 =6), June post = 6 or 9 ➡️ 6/9 = ♾
Dead Pool = 99, 66 ➡️ ♾

7:33pm (7+6 = 13) Phoenix Rising (XRP from ashes)
If we mirror the date of Pool's posts = July 26 (after SOL, this would be July 11 or 7/11 - referencing Elon Musk's post)

SOL = bear looks up at the beautiful golden sun + blue skies, thanks God for the opportunity and chance for people to buy XRP.

Buy during SOL, price rise like Phoenix in July.

This might very well be Christmas in July 🎄

End Thread 🧵


@IooP_rM311_7211 past posts confirm what the timeline has layed out; we've entered SOL, all dates on posts = 7/23

Follow (and I can't stress this enough) @BabaCugs timeline:

What just happens to be back in the news all within the same week?
What has Q showed us?


- Biden's bike accident
- Lake Mead's water levels
- Explosion at Hoover Dam

It's not just a coincidence.

Like it or not, riddlers are going to be the ones that get you to the finish line. @bearableguy123 @321yugelbaraeb @HowardMoon589
Trump spent his presidency talking in riddles-do you believe he's going to buy an RV? What else can RV stand for?
Hint: Think currency

Trump talks about RVs.
@zerohedge posts this...


In my opinion, these drops by @IooP_rM311_7211 are telling us to be ready for the crash... Black Swan event is near. Check out the dates, all of them mirrored, just like the rising blue Phoenix posted earlier in the thread: 7/26
"Controlled Chaos"

Look for patterns.

Confirm 7/26. The dominoes begin to fall.

Light goes on "overnight," 7/25.

The best Christmas gift is the opportunity to buy.


Learn how to play the game ♟



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