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Jun 27, 2022, 9 tweets

So, on todays #CookingWithSBA sponsored by $TPZ we are trying to use up a bag of mixed tomatoes I got at a farmers market.

So my thinking is cook the tomatoes down then make a sauce out of them #CookingWithSBA

We are also going to need a side for the pasta - so some chicken will work for that.

Our tomatoes are starting to split nicely.

Chicken and tomatoes coming along well #cookingWithSBA

Then we're gonna make a quick peppercorn sauce in the fond. #CookingWithSBA

Now that the tomato is broken down with a bit of starch water from the pasta to add body to the sauce.

Some fresh herb into the sauce.

And the result.

Thanks for turning into this episode of #CookingWithSBA sponsored by $TPZ

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