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Jun 28, 2022, 7 tweets

At a time when arms companies are trying to sell themselves as "security guarantors," it comes at just the right time: after months of research, we're teaming up with @FacingFinance to publish the #ExitArms database. It reveals who supplies arms to which warring parties.🧵

Arms companies like @Rostec_Russia , @RaytheonTech , @Airbus extensively supply warring states worldwide. This is even done simultaneously to rivals: for example, Rostec supplied combat helicopters to Pakistan and the portable air defense missiles suitable for defense to India.

Arms were supplied from Germany to 16 different warring parties between 2015 & 2020, in particular Indonesia, Egypt, India, Iraq and UAE. #ExitArms also documents how German companies handle their arms deliveries through foreign subsidiaries.

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and India & Pakistan were among the most supplied warring parties globally between 2015 & 2020. Accordingly, the 3 wars that were most often supplied with weapons are the war in Libya, Yemen and the Kashmir conflict.

Arms companies enable despots to commit human rights violations or even war crimes. The wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen have led to enormous humanitarian catastrophes. They make the arms industry's claims of being "social" and "sustainable" seem cynical.

The arms industry does not always comply with legal requirements and international agreements. The #ExitArms database shows 'only' the tip of the iceberg. Financial institutions should use ExitArms to rid their portfolios of war profiteers.

The main target group as users of the #ExitArms database are financial institutions, which for the first time have a suitable instrument with which to sensibly formulate a divestment strategy on the arms industry.

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