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Jun 29, 2022, 10 tweets

We are doing another #CookingWithSBA sponsored by $TPZ tonight - starting off by butterflying out a chicken breast.

Now I screwed up a bit here because I forgot to add some flower to both sides.... #CookingWithSBA

Get some asparagus in some hot fat. #CookingWithSBA

Chicken out, capers in. #CookingWithSBA

I deglazed with a little bit of stock and some water, and a dash of vinegar.

White wine would have been good but it is a busy week and I don't need a hangover tomorrow. #CookingWithSBA

How do you prove you squeed lemons for your fake online cooking show?

"ah just throw them in the pan"


Now I would love to say this is out of focus and blurry because of some dramatic effect but no anyhow and butter.


These may be a little overdone for some - but I dig it.


I ended up throwing some more spices in the sauce I don't even know what I grabbed to be honest.


And here we are - I know @BubleQe would like me to say everyone is now for a swim in the pool.

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