ali♡🧜🏻‍♀️🌿🗺️ spoilers Profile picture
20s she/her 🩷💜💙 i overanalyze everything the Sharmas are my beloveds are they emo cursive? or just british?

Jun 29, 2022, 12 tweets

newton sharma in #Bridgerton thread 🧵

inspired by this tweet

episode 1 my fluffy bb

my chaotic bb

episode 2 just chilling and being majestic

episode 3 where he meets up the viscount

episode 4 the one where he just chill in the room

episode 5 where he creates chaos accidently

episode 6 where he has fun running around

episode 7 where oh look! his new dad

episode 8 chilling in the new house causing chaos on purpose

the end💜 (for now 👀)

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