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Jun 30, 2022, 7 tweets

Every 2⃣4⃣ seconds, the 🌍 loses:

a child
a father
a mother
a brother
a sister
a friend
a colleague

We urge world leaders to ensure #RoadSafety for all! 👉

Deaths on the streets are UNACCEPTABLE as they are PREVENTABLE.

Around 1.3 million people die on the roads each year. #RoadSafety saves lives. 👉

To reduce 5⃣0⃣% of road traffic deaths & injuries by 2030, many countries have already made progress through better legislation around key areas like:

🚗 speeding
🚙 drinking and driving
🚗 seat-belts
🛵 helmets


Countries also improved #RoadSafety through measures like:

🔹 median barriers, sidewalks & dedicated lanes for cyclists
🔹 vehicle standards like mandating advanced braking & electronic stability control
🔹 enhanced post-crash care

✅ Seat-belts
✅ Helmets
✅ Child seats
✅ Low speed limits
✅ Lower alcohol limits for young drivers
✅ Sidewalks and bike lanes

These measures bring down the risk of fatalities on the roads. #RoadSafety

#RoadSafety is a shared responsibility. It involves many sectors:

👥 government
👥 transport
👥 health
👥 police
👥 urban planning
👥 environment
👥civil society
👥private sector

and more. 👉

Ensuring #RoadSafety will result in

people walking, cycling & using public transport as preferred travel options
health & the environment benefits
reduced air & noise pollution
reduced risks of noncommunicable diseases like heart & lung diseases


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