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They plan. And Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the best of planners ~ Qur'an 8:30

Jun 30, 2022, 17 tweets

12 historical facts that could confuse your perception of time.

A thread! #AThreadWithAbdul

1: Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth were born in the same year, 1926.

In this photo the two of them met when they were both 30 years old at the premiere of a film in London in October 1956.

2: The Aztec Empire was founded in 1428, while on the other side of the world, at the same time, Oxford University has been around for hundreds of years, since 1096, and began to develop rapidly around 1167.

3: United States President George Washington died in 1799 at the age of 67. While dinosaur fossils were first discovered in 1824.

This means George Washington & the people who lived in his time around d world, never knew that long ago there were giant creatures called Dinosaurs.

4: In 1889, in London England, there was a shocking case of the Jack the Ripper serial murder. The atmosphere was so tense because the perpetrators were never caught.

Meanwhile in Japan, in the same year, Nintendo Game Company was founded.

5: In 1863, the Civil War - Civil War - in the United States raged very fiercely.

Meanwhile, In the same year, the underground railway line in the city of London was opened for the first time on January 10, 1863.

6: This is one of the buildings in Auschwitz. An industrial complex used by the Nazis to kill Jews. In 1940, Jewish prisoners began to be sent here to be killed and tortured.

Meanwhile in America, same year,& only 5days apart, McDonald's restaurant was founded for d first time.

7: The creators of the airplane were the Wright brothers. When Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devastated in 1945, atomic bombs were dropped by plane, Orville Wright was still alive.

8: Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler were both born in the same year, in 1889. With their birth dates only four days apart, Chaplin on April 16 and Hitler on April 20.

In 1940, Chaplin produced a satirical film called "The Great Dictator". Here he plays Hitler.

9: 1977 was the last time France carried out the execution of a prisoner using the Guillotine to cut their head off.

In the same year, the Star Wars film was released in Hollywood.

10: In 1971, women in Switzerland got the right to vote in elections, while in the same year United States Astronauts rode a Buggy on the Moon.:

11: Ecstasy was created in the same year the Titanic sank in 1912.

12: The woolly mammoth were still around when the Egyptians built the Pyramids in 2660 BC.

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