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#ShutDownYarlsWood #EndDetention #EndDeportations #AmnestyNow #StopThePlane #Jamaica50 #WidenWindrush

Jul 2, 2022, 19 tweets

Thinking on #PolicingAct & chilling effect on democratic right to protest. Here’s a 🧵 of some MFJ demos/marches only from past 2yrs - we never asked ‘permission’, we never informed police. Now we could be prosecuted. This one is recently at Colnbrook detention centre (1/20)

Here we marched from brixton to Home Office via Serco & G4S offices -- it was a powerful, vibrant, important march led by asylum seekers, refugees & undocumented many who came to UK on promise of freedom, democracy/equality. #PolicingAct makes mockery of those principles (2/20)

Here outside the Rwandan High Commission protesting inhuman Refugee Trafficking deal. This was after passage of #PolicingAct . How many people will think twice before organising such a protest because of this Act? We can’t let them make us afraid, we must keep fighting! (3/20)

Here outside the High Court as In-Justice Swift decided it was perfectly fine to send refugees to Rwanda even in face of possible human rights threats. The right to protest is integral to democracy - we have a govt treading a path towards fascism #PolicingAct (4/20)

Another from outside Rwandan High Commission - including this one because you can hear that detainees were protesting with us from inside Brook House - no one demonstrates for a jolly day out - we do so because lives are on the line, freedoms, all of our futures (5/20)

Outside the CPS offices demanding they drop the charges against cross channel refugees (6/20)

Outside Jamaican High Commission - this is one we’ve done 2/3 times a year for past few years - every time there’s a #Jamaica50 flight. We’re small but loud as hell - will our PA now be confiscated under police act? (7/20)

A different demo at Jamaican High Commission. On one of these demos we had a PHD student come out from Imperial college & tell us the noise was disturbing him - #PolicingAct puts his momentary discomfort above our right to protest. #Jamaica50 #StopThePlane (8/20)

Marching in Peckham, an impromptu march in our community against the #BordersBill & #Raids (9/20)

Outside Canterbury Crown Court protesting prosecution of Cross Channel Refugee Nabil - #BordersBill now criminalises ALL who arrive UK w/out papers 2 seek asylum. court were not happy w/ our demo, neither were some local racists but we will never shut up about injustice (10/20)

Marching outside of 1 of the Home Office’s detention hotels where several residents have died. More people have died in Home Office accommodation than have died crossing the Channel. Let that sink in & try telling us we shouldn’t be loud & disruptive #RefugeesWelcome (11/20)

Outside the Home Office, one of many here. This one was against the murderous plans for push backs of Refugee boats in the Channel. We have a govt prepared to kill black & brown people in the sea. We will KEEP protesting regardless of #PolicingAct (12/20)

Outside Colnbrook Detention Centre in the pouring rain on the eve of another #Jamaica50 flight. For years the pvt companies who run detention centres have tried to get our demos shut down - the #PoliceAct Gives power to abusers & murderers to shut down protest. (13/20)

Outside Magistrates Court in Kent protesting as Nabil’s case was being heard. (14/20)

Marching in Lewisham! We March in our communities because that is where our power lies - we’ve seen that in the successful resistance to immigration raids (15/20)

Marching around Harmondsworth & Colnbrook detention centres on the eve of a #Jamaica50 charter flight - these protests are crucial to the resistance against the racist hostile environment, detention & deportations. (16/20)

full impact of PoliceAct yet to be felt. We saw 1st impact in police confiscation of @snb19692 PA & the charges he is facing. We cannot allow this disgraceful anti-democratic Act to stop us. We keep fighting, we keep marching, we keep resisting. (17/20)…

full package of laws passed/proposed by rotten, corrupt govt lays infrastructure 4 fascism. Their plans 2 END Human Rights (cause that’s what it is when u pick & chose what humans are ‘worthy’ of rights) will b a rallying call 4 fascists #RightsRemovalBill #SaveOurRights (19/20)

We’re witnessing desperate govt in death throes. Inciting racism 2 try & save their worthless skins, stoking flames of division. We’re in dangerous times, cannot rely on law, on MPs, we must rely on ourselves, on the movement- OUR POWER IS IN THE STREETS! Keep marching! (20/20)

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