Abbey Marshall Profile picture
professionally nosy. Cleveland local government reporter @Ideastream @npr. @scrippsjschool alum. after hours: theater & helicopter parenting my dog. (she/her)

Jul 2, 2022, 11 tweets

I’m in Downtown Akron covering continued protests demanding Justice for #JaylandWalker who was shot 60 times and killed by police earlier this week. Follow along for updates @beaconjournal

About nine officers stepped out and forced protesters into the sidewalk.

Barricades going up now.

Crowd is growing. Protesters shouting at officers on steps. They have all removed their name tags and would not comment when I asked why.

Cops walking away.

Crowd beginning to move into High Street. Chant being led by Jayland Walker’s sister-in-law, Jazzimine Beasley

Crowd is beginning to March down High Street.

The street is not closed to traffic. The protesters are leaving one lane open for passing cars. They are marching toward Exchange Street

During/after march, protesters began splitting up. Around 9:45, only family was left protesting outside the justice center.

More scenes from today:

Stay tuned for updates in the coming days.

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