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Jul 4, 2022, 11 tweets

Major Terr0r attacks in India since 2000 during of BJP govt and involvement of BJP members in the cases.


1. IC 814 H!jack

The Trojan horse which started the long saga of the “Election through Terr0r” for BJP. That is one of the turning point since it led to release

of terr0rist *Masood Azhar* & the formation of JeM which has the full or major part in every major terr0rist att@ck on the Indian soil.

2. Parliament att@ck

The BJP government then was under severe criticism for bad economy. Notably, the parliament session was being rocked

by the opposition for the coffin scam during the Kargil war when the att@ck happened.

The IB had been alleged to have meddled with SAR Geelani’s computer hard disk to “plant” some pieces of evidence to show that the att@ck came from JeM. And later Masood Azhar claimed it.

Afzal guru had given a written complaint regarding the involvement of Davinder Singh in the parliament att@ck & also had complained that he was sent to Delhi to arrange logistics of the att@ck.

3. Isharat Jahan Fake Enc0unter

There is a solid evidence through SP Tamang’s

Commission report that the enc0unters were staged by Gujrat ATF & SIB. It was alleged that one among the four murdered was real Kashmiri insurgent who was brought to Gujrat by the state p0lice itself , the idea was to set up a terrr0r attack to
assas!nate the then CM NaMo.

And to enc0unter them and publicize with all evidence about that “Terr0rist Plot”.

As per the statement from the officers , it was done to ensure the electoral victory for Modi in the then upcoming assembly elections.

However the unexpected presence of Ishrat Jahan made the

game different.

4. Pulwama

When a convoy of vehicles carrying Indian security personnel on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway was attacked by a vehicle borne su!cide b0mber with 100 kg of expl0sives.

40 CRPF personnel were martyred. JeM claimed the responsibility.

Many questions regarding the enquiry are unanswered till now.

And Don’t forget PM Modi was shooting for discovery channel in Jim Corbett national park.

5. Davinder Singh Fiasco

A senior & decorated officer of J&K Police was trying to smuggle three terr0rits out of the valley, probably towards Delhi.

He was thriving in J&K police from many years.

The LG Manoj Sinha in his order said ,

“satisfied that in the interest of the security of state, it is not expedient to hold an enquiry in the case of Mr Davinder Singh.”

6. #UdaipurHorror 2022

Riyaz Attari one of the k!llers has link with the BJP leader Gulab Chand Kataria and was welcomed by the chief of BJP

minority morcha.

7. J&K Raesi village 2022

And many more …++

All these have helped BJP in electoral gains or in building narratives against opposition & to hide their incompetencies directly or indirectly.

@Jairam_Ramesh @SupriyaShrinate @Pawankhera

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