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MARRIED Hiker, wino, Believer in Democracy, Democrat, #Resist, #BlackLivesMatter #LGBTQAlly 🆘 #TransLivesMatter NO DMs please

Jul 4, 2022, 11 tweets

Decided to review the Texas GOP party platform.

Did you know…?

They want to abolish the EPA and have no environmental regulations that interfere with business?

They want to eliminate the minimum wage.

The GOP Party platform:


Don’t regulate the internet.


Regulate social media so you can’t censor our hate speech.

Texas GOP Party Platform:


Make fantasy sports easier. Don’t mess with it.

Texas GOP party platform:


No mandatory masks.

No high speed rail.

Too bad so sad if you get Covid at work because we won’t vaccinate or wear masks.

All businesses & jobs are essential and a HUMAN RIGHT. This could get interesting.

Texas GOP Party Platform:


Hate speech is free speech. Our religion is filled with hate so…

Texas GOP Party Platform:


Holy crap! Texas GOP want a state electoral college set up by senate districts. This way they can gerrymander their way to constantly being in power.

they want the state legislature to appoint US Senators cuz Beto got too close.

Texas GOP Party Platform:


Lockdowns never again.

Interesting: one age for all adult rights. So drinking at 18 not 21?

Guns guns and more guns.

Texas GOP Party Platform:


Parents own their kids. Abolish CPS. We will beat our kids if we want to. It’s in their best interest.

But ban books we think are offensive at school.

Texas GOP Party Platform:


Hate crimes Schmate crimes. We don’t like that term.

Marriages: feel free to discriminate.

Pandemic business fines. No can do. You operate your super spreader bar all you want.

Texas GOP Party Platform:


I cannot continue. Getting more sarcastic as I go. they have a few good points but then go totally off the rails. Just wanted to list some of the crazy Check out for yourself:

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