jane - Text ACT to 64433 Profile picture
Mom, wife, sister, friend and accidental activist

Jul 5, 2022, 8 tweets

THREAD🧵: I got really angry about "crisis pregnancy centers" over the long weekend. If you aren't familiar with them, here is some important background about how prevalent they are & abt the medical disinformation they disseminate. nbcnews.com/politics/supre…

Here is a more biting take from @iamjohnoliver on @lastweektonight. There is some astounding info in here - like customers of these crisis pregnancy centers aren't protected by HIPAA & there is no licensing requirement to conduct an ultrasound.

So I decided to get a few friends together & protest outside a Houston crisis pregnancy center to warn women about their sham "medical advice".

These "clinics" give out misinformation about contraception and abortion, claiming certain contraception methods don't work and that abortion causes cancer & infertility. They have a religious agenda but aren't honest about it.

We had people stop & ask what we were doing. We shared our concerns, gave them a list of low cost medical care facilities recommended by TX Childrens, & the article from the first tweet in this thread explaining how misleading these groups are.

This woman took contact info from us to help us the next time we do this. She drove off & then returned with a case of water for us. She thanked us & said there are more pro choice women out there & the overturning of Roe is taking us backwards. RANDOM DRIVER IN HOUSTON.

The people working at the "crisis pregnancy center" seemed surprised by our presence & drove around us & took photos. We were on the sidewalk & median the whole time. Just like they have done at @PPFA for years.

I challenge others to do the same at so called crisis pregnancy centers near them. There are over 2500 around the US. Share your story. Let local media know. AND GET PPL TO VOTE. It feels good to take meaningful action.Tag me and I'll be sure to share your story! #RoeOverturned

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