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fan account dedicated for my otps — kyoukage, kageships, rareships | AUs on 🔗 | status: unstable | @misawabattery alter

Jul 6, 2022, 35 tweets

#osakage "grocery list"

I may or may not add more on this.... let's see ^^

inspired from this:

a lil sneak peek if I'm going to add more 👀

I just finished sherlock au so I think I'll continue this tomorrow or on saturday

If there's a ship you want to see ^^

one week timeskip:


the first meeting 👀

Atsumu so true

Osamu and Tobio post in your public account challenge

them in the following weeks

them in the following weeks (2) private acc version

Definition of private but not secret


Disclaimer: forgot to include this but photos are not and not claiming them to be mine!

Thank you for reading!! This supposed to be one tweet au but most of you requested for more so here it is. Also the reason why there are no conflict here is that I intend this to be short and just pure fluff for osakage so hope you enjoyed this ^^


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