Colors in CSS
We can express colors in any of the following 3 formats :
1️⃣rgb ( 255, 0, 0 )
3️⃣hsl (9, 100%, 64%)
1️⃣ rgb ( 0, 0, 0 ) --> represents amount of Red , Green, Blue
Each color ranges from 0 to 255
Eg : rgb (255 , 0 , 0) --> displays only red color other two colors
are not displayed
We can add transparent property using --> rgba(17, 16, 16, 0.9)
a represents alpha , which can be any value between 0 and 1
where 0 is full transparent and 1 is opaque
2️⃣ #ff0000 --> represents amount of Red , Green, Blue in hexa-decimal , numbers range from zero to f
Eg : #ff0000 --> displays only red color other two colors
are not displayed
We can mention the transparent property by adding 2 digit value at the end
Eg : #ff000010
The value of transparent property can vary between 00 to ff
00 is fully transparent and ff is fully opaque
3️⃣ hsl (120 , 100% , 50% ) --> this is again represented in Red Green Blue
H --> Hue is shade of color
S --> Saturation is darkness of color
L --> Lightness of color
Hue is represented as angle of the colors :
0 and 360 = Red
120 = Green
240 = Blue
For further information , this is a good article for the HSL color format…
Saturation is how dark the mentioned color should be it can vary between 0 to 100%
0 is grey and 100 % is darkest version of the mentioned color
Lightness value can also vary from 0 to 100%
100% is white because it is the lightest color possible and 0 % is black
when lightness % decreases the color keeps getting closer to black
Colors can also be expressed simply using their names :
eg :
color : brown;
background-color : powderblue
But it is recommended to use any of the above ways to represent colors ,
shades of color might differ based on the browser if we mention color names instead of rgb value
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