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Jul 6, 2022, 5 tweets

People like @Joydas don't appreciate the fact that they can insult Hindu religion without fear.

He is donating money to fight for @zoo_bear who has ruined life of 100s of people.

No one is complaining to Joy's employer @LIQVDAsia

Few gems of Joy (many deleted):

While @Joydas accuses @subhashchandra of extortion and hoarding black money, his employer @LIQVDAsia boasts @ZeeNewsEnglish as one of their biggest client.

Irony died a thousand deaths 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
#Razorpay @sudhirchaudhary

Dear @LIQVDAsia , are your clients aware of the extreme Hindu phobia by one of your senior most employee?

Mr @Joydas has deleted his abusive tweets against Hindu gods. I collected all the evidences before tweeting preempting that.

My aim is not not legally target him. Just an apology for abusive tweets and supporting Zubair financially who has destroyed many careers and lives.

Arun Yadav lost his job because of a joke. But nothing will happen to @Joydas for making worse jokes.
He deleted this tweet as well but never apologised.

Thanks to @mraTi9 tweet is stamped.…

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