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Jul 8, 2022, 12 tweets

Chinese nationalists on Weibo have began to celebrate that Japan’s ex PM Abe is shot during campaign today.

they call the attacker “hero” and send death wish to Abe

photo credit @MachineGun____

2. from WeChat
it says“ i hope it is the current Japanese PM (got shot)… and Korean one too”

3. From Weibo
“congrats from People of Shanxi”
“eat an extra bow of rice (for celebration)

4. from Weibo
“i am waiting for Abe‘s death”
“who is the attacker?i want to donate money”
“I have to say,its a great news”

5. from Wechat
“thank you anti- Japan hero (the attacker”
“Can i laugh?”

6.from WeChat
“Party Time”
“hope the men has trouble,hope the gun is fine”
“fuck i am so happy”

7 from WeChat

Some China nationalists are post meme to mock Abe‘s assassination with Kennedy

8. from Billibilli(China‘s youtube)
“great news”

9. from Twitter as well

10. From Weibo
“congrats on Abe who took a peanut”
“(Abe) does not deserve empathy”

11. from Weibo

hashtag #安倍无生命体征” Abe has no life sign went viral in China
a lot cheering for death from Chinese nationalists with this hashtag

12. From Twitter

Champagne for Abe‘s death from Chinese user

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