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#TOBIO: If you want to be the last one standing, 'wag kang uupo. | your favorite local dramaqueen

Jul 8, 2022, 46 tweets

stop being a coward, yes i'm going to marry you
#tsukikage short au

tsukishima kei just wants to marry his long time boyfriend. however, it seems like cowardness is his last name as his bravery comes into halt everytime kageyama tobio smiled at him.

— short au. just tsukikage being dumbdumb boyfriends. narrative and socmed. happy reading!

tags : fluff , crack , happy ending!

[01] unang lapag, pasilip agad sa priv ng dalawang bida 🤩


[03] just iwakei being besties

[04] hindi ka sure

[05] oh loko hahahahaha

[06] iwaizumi from the distance: booo coward!


[08] hala hulog na hulog talaga siya your honor




[12] hahahaha gago


[14] gusto kitang ibulsa

[15] hahahahahahahaa


[17] di mo alam kung 😇 or 😈 si iwa e

[18] ayan naaaa hahahaha



[21] 😭😭


[23] yan ang true friends

[24] bading


[26] iwakuroo & tskkg layag

[27] nu yan ha

[28] date day! iwakuroo

[29] date day! tsukikage

[30] hehe



[33] ❤

[34] this is it pansit

[35] awit

[36] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[37] ang yabang bigla 😭





thanks po so much sa pagbabasa! ❤


about sa poll kanina:
😇 - magpropropose si kei sa ospital kasi akala niya may nangyari kay tobio
😈 - si tobio ang mag propropose kasi shunga boyfriend niya

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