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Metropolis, we're comin' in hot! 🚀 #HarleyQuinn Season 5 is now streaming, only on @StreamOnMax.

Jul 9, 2022, 9 tweets

It’s time for a Harley Party, babes! Don’t forget to use #HarleyParty so I can read all your sh*t! Press play in 3…2…wait… f*ck it just go!

Thanks for the f*%&ing pep talk Frank #HarleyParty

GREAT, now I’M craving a pretzel-wrapped wiener 😒 #HarleyParty

Butts clenched ✅ #HarleyParty

And here I thought climate change was Ivy’s biggest fear. I didn’t see that sh*t coming! #HarleyParty

OMG I miss my super cool highway. Who do I gotta threaten to bring it back 👿 #HarleyParty

Now that’s a cinematic moment if I’ve seen one! #HarleyParty

Ugh gotta love the obvious symbolism #HarleyParty

So uh, on that note…on to the next winning episode??? 😅 See ya at 5:30 PM for Episode 209 “Bachelorette” #HarleyParty

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