Jennifer McWilliams Profile picture
I help Americans protect their children’s innocence & freedoms | Co-Founder @couragehabit | 🛍️ | Courage After Dark

Jul 9, 2022, 6 tweets

🧵If you believe in freedom, parental rights & protecting children in America pay attention. #ExpelSEL I am incredibly grateful to contribute to this lawsuit against Social Emotional Learning and it’s devastating impact to our education system. James & Trisha Lucente along with

@parentschoicetn are leading the way to stop the radical indoctrination of children by filing this first of its kind lawsuit. SEL is a thought reform program our government is using to shift the values, attitudes, beliefs and worldview of innocent children. We must fight this at

every level- local, state, federal & legal. I hope this inspires people everywhere to do the same. I am happy to contribute with the knowledge I have gained in this fight for 3 years. This needs national attention, please share!

You can read the entire complaint here

If you don’t stand for your children, who will? Do it.

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