Brent Toderian Profile picture
City planner + urbanist leading @TODUrbanWORKS. Global cities advisor. Past Vancouver chief planner. Past/founding @CanUrbanism president. Speaker.

Jul 10, 2022, 5 tweets

I’ve long considered Montreal & Vancouver to be “mirror image” top design cities, as they are good at different things (& thus could REALLY learn from each other)! For example, Vancouver could learn A LOT from Montreal about public realm design/investment & street transformation.

How are Vancouver & Montreal good at different city-building things? I think with urban design, Vancouver has been better at negotiating good design from developers (a city BY design), & Montreal is better at public sector design (a city OF design).


Just stop & think about this — what if YOUR city transformed a key main street (like Montreal has with #MontRoyal, actually one of TEN such street transformations this summer) into a 2.5km long pedestrian promenade & living room with 2700 seats? Thanks for the tip @JeanBeaudoin_!

Montreal does urban parks REALLY well, & people clearly LOVE the new Place Fleurs-de-Macadam right on pedestrianized Avenue Mont-Royal. A packed “water square” with interactive water & on-site rain management, “cloudy” art feature & great seating all on a former gas station site.

One of Canada’s more intriguing waterfront transformations, the ongoing evolution of Montreal’s Old Port lands into an urban residential neighbourhood by Canada Lands Company, fuelled by a $50 million infrastructure investment. I have compliments & critiques — what do YOU think?

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