Marsha de Cordova Profile picture
Labour MP for Battersea, Balham & Wandsworth 📞: 020 7219 0209

Jul 11, 2022, 10 tweets

Day 1 of my Political Summer School is about to begin! Over the next five days I’m going to give a group of young people from Battersea unparalleled insight into the workings of national and local politics, with some very special guests – stay tuned!


We started with a talk and a quick Q&A about my journey into politics and my role now.


Now we have the privilege of hearing from the Shadow Foreign Secretary, @DavidLammy!


Our next speaker is... the Deputy Speaker! Thank you to @nigelmp for a potted history of your career and answering everyone’s questions!

The Deputy Speaker stressed the importance of perseverance in getting into politics and making a difference.


After lunch, my team talked through the inner workings of an MP’s office – from casework to Parliament to communications.


We then held an interactive debate session on the voting age. We heard some great arguments on lowering the voting age, and some other well thought-out reasons to keep it at 18 #MDCPolSchool

After that, @LeonieC brought us into the world of local democracy, speaking about the structure and functions of City Hall, and about her role on the Assembly and on committees. #MDCPolSchool

@LeonieC To cap off the day, Battersea Councillor @AydinDikerdem led an inspiring interactive session on power and community organising.

@LeonieC @AydinDikerdem It’s been a fantastic first day of my Political Summer School 2022! Thank you so much to @DavidLammy, @NigelMP, @LeonieC and @AydinDikerdem for your brilliant contributions. I can’t wait for tomorrow! #MDCPolSchool

Follow Day 2 of #MDCPolSchool here:

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