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— she/her | '03 | mainly writes for markhyuck ♡

Jul 12, 2022, 33 tweets

isang mini #mahae filo au kung saan

❤️ palangga (cebuano) — love and care ; usually used as an endearment.

❤️ palangga

❤️ love life raw

❤️ confused

❤️ wrong send

❤️ seener

❤️ oo tama, mali ka nga

❤️ pag-tripan mo rin

❤️ magpanggap

❤️ eat well

❤️ 50-50 pi

❤️ jowa niya 'to

❤️ lagot ka jn

❤️ convinced na convinced

❤️ ikaw na bahala

❤️ f.o.

❤️ uy nag-reply

❤️ si Bro ☝🏻

❤️ 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

❤️ iyaq

❤️ sasabayan

❤️ Amen

❤️ Hallelujah





❤️ — 4 days ago


— this whole mini au is inspired by this:

— happy tuesday! thank you so much for reading ❤️ credits to its rightful owner din sa kitkat pic na ginamit ko!! anw, I hope na-enjoy n'yo ang mini au na 'to as much as I did! good evening 🫡

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