Pankaj Saxena | पंकज सक्सेना Profile picture
Author | Cultural Commentator I Write Threads on Civilizational Issues Co-founder @brhat_in

Jul 12, 2022, 12 tweets

1. List of Essential Ram Swarup Books

Shri Ram Swarup wrote several works, making a deep, yogic critique of monotheism and he also explained the Vedas and the Hindu dharma. Let us discuss his works.…

2. Hindu View of Christianity and Islam

This is most famous work which critiques the two monotheistic religions from a completely novel yogic point of view. It does a purva paksha of India’s cultural enemies in an attempt to create a Hindu View of the World.

3. Understanding Islam through Hadis

In this work he explains what Islam is according to their own scriptures, with the two most important scriptures being the Quran and the Hadith/ Hadis. He explains how Islam is law before anything else.

4. Woman in Islam

In this very short work, Shri Ram Swarup explains the status and life of women in Islam

5. Hinduism and the Monotheistic Religions

This book collects his decades long writings on the three monotheistic religions & communism. He analyzes Buddhism and the history of Sikhism vis-a-vis Hindu society, along with his exposition Hindu view of education.

6. On Hinduism: Reviews and Reflections

In this work Shri Ram Swarup discusses the fundamentals which make Hindu dharma what it is. It is an attempt to define what it means to be a Hindu.

7. Meditations: Yogas, Gods, Religions

In this work he analyzes the most central aspects of Hindu dharma in practice. How does yoga and meditation drive in practice, the philosophy that is at the core of Hindu dharma.

8. The Word as Revelation: Names of Gods

In this he discusses the names of the gods in the Vedas to explain Hindu darshana. Using linguistics and speech sounds he unravels all secrets of mantras, chanting and Hindu rituals. He also gives a call for pagan unity and revival.

9. Whither Sikhism?, Hindu-Sikh Relationship & other tracts

In this short tract as well as other tracts compiled in Hinduism and the Monotheistic religions, Shri Ram Swarup discusses a dharmic sect arising out of Hindu land and the problems it encounters vis-a-vis Hindu society.

10. Gandhism and Communism, Foundations of Maoism, Communists after Communism, Red Star over Bengal & other tracts

In these tracts on communism he divulges the origin, orientation and intent of a political sect which is similar to monotheistic sects.

11. Hindu-Buddhist Rejoinder to Pope John-Paul II on Eastern Religions and Yoga & Buddhism vis-a-vis Hinduism

In these two short tracts Shri Ram Swarup explains the similarities and commonalities of Buddhism and Hinduism as well as the points on which they differ.

12. I will be taking the course on Shri Ram Swarup and all his works from 30th July. If any of you are interested in knowing his work in detail, you can enroll at:…

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