Lara Roberts Profile picture
Haematologist, Thrombosis/Acquired bleeding. King’s College Hospital, London

Jul 12, 2022, 9 tweets

SOA live: Dr Zoe McQuiltern on TXA for major bleeding. Surgery/trauma acct for majority of MB but I note worse survival for GIB

#ISTH2022 prehospital STAMP confirms effect size of TXA in trauma from CRASH2 but underpowered. Exploratory analysis suggests Earlier admin within 1h, better outcomes

#ISTH2022 prehospital STAMP confirms effect size of TXA in trauma from CRASH2 but underpowered. Exploratory analysis suggests Earlier admin within 1h, better outcomes

Less certainty re TXA benefit in isolated TBI but early admin/mild-mod head injury might benefit

TXA also beneficial in PPH to ⬇️Death due to bleeding as shown in WOMAN study #ISTH2022

But HALT-IT found no benefit in GI bleeding and harmful effects with ⬆️VTE and seizures. ? Due to patient characteristics and/or higher dose TXA

Overall no ⬆️ ‘All’ thrombotic events in Surgical/Trauma/obs but ⬆️VTE in ‘other’ patients ?driven by GIB data #ISTH2022

Seizure risk with TXA is dose dependent #ISTH2022

This was a brilliant summary of current data and studies in progress. Recommend viewing virtually if you missed live #ISTH2022

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