Under Secretary Rob Silvers Profile picture
Under Secretary for Policy at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (@DHSgov) #WeAreDHS

Jul 12, 2022, 8 tweets

Last week, I was in Qatar and the UAE for important engagements to expand security cooperation between the United States and each nation, and to advance key homeland security arrangements and objectives. Read more 👇

I signed several arrangements with Prime Minister and Interior Minister @KBKAIThani to deepen @DHSgov security partnerships on aviation security and visa fraud, including support for Qatar’s preparations to host a safe and secure @FIFAWorldCup. dhs.gov/news/2022/07/0…

.@DHSgov will strengthen its collaboration with Qatar on cybersecurity policy, and we will share information on cyber threats as part of new security arrangements we signed.

We advanced negotiations on customs cooperation agreements that will help facilitate trade between the US & Qatar. Additionally, we committed to collaborate on countering threats from unmanned aircraft systems.

I visited with @USCIS @StateDept & @CENTCOM personnel at Camp As Sayliyah & thanked Qatar for its support of #OperationAlliesWelcome, the effort to welcome our Afghan allies to the US.

.@DHSgov is supporting the Government of Qatar to ensure a safe and secure @FIFAWorldCup through technical support and training. I saw our preparations firsthand at Ahmed bin Ali Stadium.

In the UAE, I met with @moiuae Assistant Undersecretary Major General Salem Ali Mubarak Al Shamsi and other Ministry of Interior officials, as well as leaders from @DubaiPoliceHQ to continue expanding our partnerships.

International engagement and cooperation are key to securing our nation, and are a core part of the #DHSmission. The partnerships we build internationally help keep the American people safe and secure at home.

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