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Antifascist,Matchwomen historian: book Striking a Light. Pod https://t.co/GjFEf9lhDA

Jul 12, 2022, 8 tweets

How did #Matchfest22 go (&did the fash turn up as promised)?

Here’s a look at the amazing day we had at @BowArts on Saturday.

First to join me round the table (we don’t do stages- or PowerPoints): @carolinebressey & @SuffragetteKate, on women fighting racism through history

Caroline discovered incredible new information about this woman, Catherine Impey, who set up an anti racist journal, with her mum & sister, *in 1888!* Same year the Matchwomen went on strike.

Catherine lived in Street, Somerset.

Visiting 1870s America, Catherine was horrified by the racism.
She met with Black activists including legends like Frederick Douglass & Ida B Wells.

This is our riposte to the old excuse ‘well everyone was racist THEN’!
Buy Caroline’s extraordinary book: waterstones.com/book/empire-ra…

.@SuffragetteKate illuminated the anti fascism & anti racism of Sylvia ‘more than a suffragette!’ Pankhurst.

Sylvia went to prison to protect her sources when editing paper Workers’ Dreadnought: including the brilliant Claude McKay, who wrote exposes of racism in London

HIGHLY recommend @SuffragetteKate ‘s book on Sylvia in the US- contains brand new material, & gripping anecdotes - eg Pankhurst being invited to a gala dinner by white American matrons, then furiously tearing into them over racism! plutobooks.com/9780745333229/…

Artist, author, activist & dad @Danwhite1972 spoke movingly about the (often Tory-made) struggles faced by the parents of disabled kids.
His unstoppable daughter Emily (16) worked with him on this fabulous comic book with disabled superheroes: get it here

The next speaker is a superhero too.

Cait lived through years of appalling gang-abuse from the age of 14 after innocently answering an ad for modelling work.

She was failed by police & council, & almost snared by Tommy Robinson’s team,with lies & promises of help

The money raised for victims seemed to disappear; & when she challenged the racist misuse of her story (she was abused by men of all races), was told ‘kill yourself’
Her life’s still hard (we only scratched the surface) but she wants to save other girls. Hero.

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