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The Game of Tomb on Fantom Opera - Part of the Tomb Ecosystem Join our TG: Join our Discord:

Jul 12, 2022, 10 tweets

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๐Ÿชฆ @TombChain Week One Follow Up
๐Ÿชฆ Tomb Chain on Chainlist
๐Ÿชฆ Tomb Bridge Data Report
๐Ÿชฆ @Official_LIF3 Beta Expanding
๐Ÿชฆ Growing
๐Ÿชฆ $FANTY & $TBONE Airdrop
๐Ÿชฆ The Future is Bright

#TombLif3Tuesday $TOMB $FTM

We can now celebrate Week 1 of Tomb Chain out in the public domain! We are quickly approaching Block 3000, and we have been analyzing the data as it comes in! Tomb Chain is FAST and INEXPENSIVE!

For those of you who have yet to set up Tomb Chain on your MetaMask wallet, we have been added to Chainlist! You can head over here and simply connect your wallet, or you can add manually using the information below.

The first part of Lif3 is the bridge we needed to build to be able to move assets from @FantomFDN L1 to Tomb Chain L2 effortlessly. We launched Tomb Bridge last week and have also been analyzing that data. It is amazing to see everything in action on the backend.

Lif3 Swap and @Official_LIF3 Farms are next on the list as we need to piece these launches out one at a time in order to make the necessary tweaks and adjustments for the best user experience.

$TOMB is your best way to save on Trading Fees with but for a short time, Felix is offering 0% Trading Fees on four different BTC pairs! Felix also recently launched the first-ever Fantom Native Stables on any CEX, $USDT and $USDC.

$FANTY and $TBONE will be the first claimable airdrop on Tomb Chain, and we're anxiously waiting to watch the data pour in for not only the claims but for the interactions with @TombChain!

Below is a sneak peek at some of the many things we have planned and are currently working on. Everything on this list will complement our current offerings, and they all have their place in the overall Tomb Ecosystem!

To read this week's Tomb | Lif3 Tuesday in its entirety, please head to our Discord or Telegram (links in bio)

We continue to build to ensure what we do is in our community's best interests. Thank you for joining us.

Happy #TombLif3Tuesday!


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