Big Chief Wuggums🪶💖 Spyboy Heri & Xanawu Tribe Profile picture
I ❤️string & making movies! Founder: #KittyTwitter #XCats #ChillTent #WuggieLove #CatCarnivale #BurningMouse #HeavyMetalCats #Wuggstock #mrwuggumsfilmfest etc.

Jul 12, 2022, 24 tweets

Hello furriends of the Xanawu Summer Wellness Series at the #ChillTent - I'm Mr. Wuggums, welcome to our lecture series on color!

Color has a strong influence on our psyche and overall well being, yet most pals underestimate its potency and efficacy.

In this series, we will look at the seven main colors in the spectrum and examine how each aspect of this rainbow touches us. #ChillTent #Anipals

Many great psychic pioneers, such as Timothy Leary spoke at length about the importance of set/setting & the affect it can have on us. Each of the senses are excited in an environment; knowing how to alter this environment can also help in altering one's state of mind. #ChillTent

Color is created by different vibrations of the light spectrum.


Understand that everything vibrates, for it is composed of energy - energy is not stagnant, it moves in both particles and waves...the keyword here though is that it MOVES.
#ChillTent #Anipals

Our bodies, minds & psyches are sensitive to these vibrations whether we are aware of it or not. Knowledge is power. There's great power in knowing how to shift your mood or energy level through the use of the world surrounding mew. Through the use of these vibrations.

How do mew apply color? How do mew work with color?

This is where it gets exciting! There are so many ways mew can use color to enhance your life!
#ChillTent #Anipals

Mew can wear clothing and accessories of a particular color.

Mew can paint or light a room with a color to achieve a desired mood.

Mew can use splashes of your color of choice in accents/decor.

Mew can also eat foods of particular colors or drink color elixirs.

Pals who experience synesthesia can even listen to music or use aromas of a particular color.

Let's start with our first color - RED.
#ChillTent #Anipals

Let's start with our first color - RED.

Red is fire.
Red is blood.
Red is life.
Red excites.
Red stimulates.
Red dances.
Red is passionate.
Red is angry.
Red is bold.

#ChillTent #Anipals

Red is also grounding.

Red is the color of the root chakra.

Red energizes because it pulls the energy of the earth up through our channel of life, situated in the spinal cord (practically speaking)
#ChillTent #Anipals

Let's enjoy RED now, and see how it affects us.

A rose, for example, or a strawberry. Both can be easily used in all the applications previously mentioned.
#ChillTent #Anipals

Let's wear RED!
#ChillTent #Anipals

Let's color an entire room with paint or light!
#ChillTent #Anipals

Let's decorate with them!

How do these color accents make mew feel?
#ChillTent #Anipals

Let's listen to them - flamenco is very RED music! It shows us the passionate side of red, much like the rose, thorns and all.
#ChillTent #Anipals

The Beatles show us the grounding connection with makes us feel part of the earth beneath our paws with Strawberry Fields.
#ChillTent #Anipals

Burn rose incense...wear strawberry oil.
#ChillTent #Anipals

Now, let's eat RED.

Look at the beautiful color of this strawberry tea, smell its aroma....take a sip....
#ChillTent #Anipals

Now, the strawberry tart.

Let the color wash over your being, accept it, let it become a part of your own energy....

Take a bite.
#ChillTent #Anipals

Pals who are feeling "spaced out" or detached from the world can benefit from RED.

They can eat red meat, or a root vegetable to help become more grounded and centered.

Of course a BEET is going to be the root with the most benefit colorwise.
#ChillTent #Anipals

I hope mew enjoyed my talk on RED.

See mew on the 20th when we'll examine the next color in the spectrum: ORANGE.

If mew have any questions, I'll be around for the next hour before I head over to #FurryTails for Pizza Club.😻🍕

Love mew! (((hugs))) 🐾💖🐾
#ChillTent #Anipals

heri here.. yay! thank mew wuggie.. im didnt knows mine red chillow was so powerfuls on mine emotionals an subconscious stuffs.. wow! *claps paws*

Aw, thanks little brofur! That makes me smile...maybe there IS something mew can learn from me, after all!

Love mew, Broseph. (((hugs)))🐾💖🐾

heri here! im always learnings da bestest stuffs from mew.. im has gone mine whole lifes not knowings da differences between russian tea an persian! an how mozzarella is made from water buffalo milks! like.. who saw an water buffalo an thought man im gonna milks that?

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