Aakash Desai, MD, MPH Profile picture
Thoracic/Phase 1 Oncologist @ONealCancerUAB, Asst Prof @UABMedicine | Alum @MayoHemeOnc @UConnIM @MDAndersonNews| Co-Host @HemOncFellows @LungCancerRX

Jul 12, 2022, 16 tweets

@TumorBoardTues @HwakeleeMD @manalipatelmd @jillfeldman4 @JackWestMD Alright lets go!
1/18 #TumorBoardTuesday #LCSM #OncTwitter
63 yo 👩🏻
🚭 never smoker
C/O: shortness of breath presents in 2017
PMH: None
🫁 PET: shows a RLL mass and pleural effusion
🔬cT2, cN2, pM1a (Stage IVA) lung adenoCA

🤨What is the next step?

@TumorBoardTues @HwakeleeMD @manalipatelmd @jillfeldman4 @JackWestMD 2/18 #TumorBoardTuesday #LCSM
Case continued..
🦠 Tissue NGS and IHC was sent 🧬
🔬 NGS: EGFR p.A767_V769dup; c.2300_2308dupCCAGCGTGG (exon 20 ins)
🔬 PD-L1 negative

🤨 What treatment plan do you initiate next? @HemOncFellows @OncBrothers @OncoAlert @lcsmchat

@TumorBoardTues @HwakeleeMD @manalipatelmd @jillfeldman4 @JackWestMD @HemOncFellows @OncBrothers @OncoAlert @lcsmchat 3/15.. #TumorBoardTuesday #LCSM
👩🏽‍🏫Mini tweetorial 1 👨🏽‍🏫
🚩🚩 for EGFR mutations
Types of EGFR mutations
🚩Classic Activating EGFR Mut
▫️L858R, del19-Outside US
🚩Uncommon EGFR Muts
▫️G719X, L861Q, S768I
🚩EGFR Exon 20 Ins: bit.ly/3nGc8Yp

@TumorBoardTues @HwakeleeMD @manalipatelmd @jillfeldman4 @JackWestMD @HemOncFellows @OncBrothers @OncoAlert @lcsmchat @NatRevClinOncol @VivekSubbiah @Al3ssandroRusso @gbanna74 @UmbertoMalapel1 @Alfdoc2 @APassaroMD @DrSanjayPopat 4/15 #TumorBoardTuesday #LCSM
👩🏽‍🏫Mini tweetorial 2👨🏽‍🏫

EGFR ex20ins: 12% of EGFRm, different types: go.nature.com/3NJOmFf

🚩 No clear ethnic pattern
🚩 Higher in NEVER smoker 🚭
🚩 More prevalent in females 👩🏻
🚩 Adeno>>SCC
🚩 Less sensitive to EGFR TKIs

@TumorBoardTues @HwakeleeMD @manalipatelmd @jillfeldman4 @JackWestMD @HemOncFellows @OncBrothers @OncoAlert @lcsmchat @NatRevClinOncol @VivekSubbiah @Al3ssandroRusso @gbanna74 @UmbertoMalapel1 @Alfdoc2 @APassaroMD @DrSanjayPopat @MattGubensMD @ZPiotrowskaMD @HelenaYu923 @RachelSanbornMD @RamalingamMD @ipreeshagul @NarjustFlorezMD @teekayowo @HosseinBorghaei @BenWestphalen 5/15 #TumorBoardTuesday #LCSM
👩🏽‍🏫Mini tweetorial 3 👨🏽‍🏫

⚠️Type of EGFR mutation can change treatment plan⚠️

✅ Classic Activating EGFR Mut ⇒ Osimertinib
✅ Uncommon EGFR Muts ⇒ Osimertinib
✅ EGFR exon 20 insertion ⇒ Amivantamab/mobocertinib, etc. @lungcancerjournal

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