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Digital GP with the intellect & geeky style of a TimeLord & the magic, presence & beard of Gandalf. Tweets by Dr Gandhi. Nottingham Owner eGPlearning & S1 FBUG

Jul 13, 2022, 14 tweets

How to keep cool and healthy in a heatwave. 🌞

Some key tips to share with your friends, family and patients.

Enjoy the thread🧵⤵️

1. Stop the heat getting in.

🪟 Close your doors and curtains/blinds. The sunlight brings the heat.

😎Shade is cooler so stop the sunlight and you will feel cooler.

2. Adjust your activity.

🕛Avoid being active in the middle of the day and reduce unnecessary movements, this will keep you cooler.

🏃🏿‍♂️If exercising then remember to hydrate more!

3. Hydrate sensibly

🥤Cool (not cold to look after your throat) fluids are best.

🍸Sip do not gulp as you pee more out.

❌Reduce/avoid caffeine or alcohol as you pee more out

🍉Watermelon, fruit and homemade ice lollies are great for kids

4. Understand your medications

💊You may need certain medications more or less in extreme heat

🫁 Heat may trigger asthma requiring more inhaler use

🚰 Some medications affect your kidneys so hydration is vital

❄️Some medications need to be kept cool like drops and liquids

5. Dress better

👕Cool, loose clothing. Cotton best, modesty as per situations.

🇨🇴Avoid dark colours they retain heat

👡Sensible shoes for the inevitable foot swelling

6. Avoid getting sunburn

🌲Slip - into the shade, avoid direct sunlight

🧴Slop - on plenty of sunscreen, ideally factor 30 or higher and before you put your clothes on

🧢Slap - on a cap, top or thin shawl to protect your skin in the sunlight

😎Wrap - your eyes with sunglasses

7. Manage sunburn easily

If you get sunburn:

🫧 Keep the area clean
💊It hurts, take pain relief regularly
❄️Use a cooling antiseptic cream
🛌🏿Rest, it will take a few days to get better

All done by self-care (rarely need to see a doctor)

More advice:…

8. Keep cool

👩🏿‍🦳Wet hair is like your own air conditioning, try it.

🚿Have a cool shower, hot showers are not sensible so stop it

💦Wet flannel on the neck and back is an awesome cooling method

🦶🏿Feet in a water bucket is also amazing and effective

9. Sleep easier

🛌🏿Sleep with minimal clothes ideally naked and thin sheets. Don't waste money on fans/AC if using a duvet

😴Cotton sheets are better than manmade

🐕Sleep separately from partners/kids/pets if able. Body heat makes it hotter

⏲️Change automatic heating settings

10. extra tips

🤣Sleep on the floor. Heat rises, so it is cooler down there

🥗Eat small watery foods regularly rather than large meals

🧂Extra fibre and salt keep the bowels regular and replenish what you lose in sweat

🧊Refrigerate your bed sheets for a cool night

What tips have I missed that need to be shared?

Add them on here if you made it this far....


11. Extra tips 2

👴🏿Check on your neighbours esp the elderly and the vulnerable, it will hit them harder

💊Your local pharmacy can help with hayfever which can be worse and most insect bites

🛞 Cover your steering wheel in fabric/ keep thin gloves so you don't burn your hands

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