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#CapturedCourt 🇺🇸 Space, Quakes 🌋 ERA, Erik Prince, #Malkevich, Magnitsky, Navalny, DevinDerekDamon, Oil/Gas, Environmental Toxin Poisoning, Detox 🇺🇦

Jul 14, 2022, 10 tweets

2018: Ed Kavanaugh "made millions from the industry that marketed and sold female personal hygiene products — while keeping the government from guarding the consumers’ health and safety."

"If he fails to recuse himself, Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be...

"...Kavanaugh will be asked to consider evidence that his father, Ed, helped J&J market such products — even though they knew they were carcinogenic. Kavanaugh Sr.’s former employer is one of the named defendants in some of the biggest class-action cases filed so far."

"Ed Kavanaugh once hired John Roberts, now the Chief Justice, to fight regulations on the industry that Ed represented for most of his adult life — an industry that made him wealthy, and a fixture on Washington’s social scene as a member of... Congressional and Burning Tree..."

"During the confirmation process, Kavanaugh spoke often about his mother’s work as a judge, but only referenced the personal values his father instilled — nothing about the father’s work or clients."

"...but — largely thanks to the lobbying efforts of Ed Kavanaugh — the FDA does not review new cosmetics for safety before they are marketed and the law does not allow the FDA to order recalls of hazardous cosmetics. Ed Kavanaugh made it his mission to keep it that way.:

"...Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore. Brett Kavanaugh was a key player in both the independent counsel’s investigation that led to Clinton’s impeachment and the Bush campaign’s effort to rush Florida vote-counters that led to the Supreme Court’s decision.:

"Bush rewarded brash young Kavanaugh with a job as deputy to his legal counsel, while Ed Kavanaugh — always polished, urbane but insistent that he was right — plowed ahead with his efforts to insulate the corporations from regulation, a goal fully in line with the Republican ag..

In 2002, the Breast Cancer Fund, Environmental Working Group, National Black Environmental Justice Network, and others launched the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics... remove ingredients linked to cancer, birth defects... Here, too, Ed Kavanaugh’s organization worked behind the scenes

"As its president for 22 years, the elder Kavanaugh made CTFA a powerhouse on Capitol Hill... that the non-profit outfit took in $27 million in 2004 but spent only... With Bush reelected, Ed Kavanaugh, 64 years old, retired with a fat package of benefits approaching $14 million..

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