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Jul 15, 2022, 12 tweets

We thought we'd tell you about an Indian Mr.Universe

This thread 🧵is about the legendary Indian body builder Manohar Aich who was born on 17th March 1912.

At, 4ft 10 his bravery and spirit made him tower over most others.

He was known as "Pocket Hercules" for his extraordinary physique.

Manohar began his career as a stunt man performing with none other than master magician, P C Sorcar in Dhanbad.

He would often thrill audiences by bending steel with his teeth or resting his belly on swords.

In 1942, he joined the Royal Air Force in British India as a physical instructor.

He was then introduced to body building by a British officer in the RAF

His run in the RAF was cut short by what most corporate types call a CLM - career limiting move.

He was imprisoned when he protested against colonial oppression by slapping a British Officer who may or may not have exclaimed - "How can he slap?!".

He said:'In jail I began weight training seriously. I used to practice on my own without equipment for 12 hours in a day.'

The prison authorities were majorly impressed with his perseverance.

He was given a special diet to build stamina and he was released when India achieved independence from the British in 1947.

In 1950, he took part in and won Mr.Hercules. This encouraged him to take part in Mr.Universe in London in 1951.

He came second, losing to another Indian, Monotosh Roy.

Fancy undies, this guy has.

Aich sir stayed on in London to prepare for the 1952 contest and like a sir, won Mr.Universe in 1952.

He also won a host of awards related to body building, allowing him to help uplift his family (wife + 4 kids) and give them a better life.

He once stood for elections in Calcutta in 1991, contesting on behalf of the BJP and came third.

He continued to inspire and entertain people even as he grew older. His last performance was at the age of 89.

For real, 89! Think about that for a bit.

He lived on until the ripe old age of 104, continuing to remain as gangsta as ever.

He credited his good health to a diet of milk, fruits and vegetables with rice, lentils and fish. He also said he didn't allow any tension to creep into his life.

Watch and learn, all of you!

For more, here's a short Youtube video on Manohar Aich -

Also, an article from Mint Lounge on the history of body building in India by @offog…

Share your home fitness tips with us, I have to stay away from twitter for a bit no matter how much fun you all are. #workingremotely

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