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Jul 15, 2022, 8 tweets

48 YEARS AGO TODAY❗️The military junta in Greece decided to invade and overthrow Greek Cypriot leader Makarios, all in the name ENOSIS. Please keep scrolling for a historical breakdown of events ⬇️ #GreekInvasionOfCyprus #2statesinCyprus

By this point the Greek Cypriots already had unilateral control over the island following the coup of 1963 and subsequent Bloody Christmas massacres. The Turkish Cypriots were isolated and enclaved. However, Makarios had did not fulfil his promise of Enosis…

In 1971, a Greek Cypriot civil war broke out with EOKA-B clashing with Makarios’s forces. Abductions and assassinations of the Greek Cypriot Left were a regular occurrence. The battle was for Greek annexation or an independent Greek Cypriot state…

By 1974, Makarios began publicly condemning EOKA-B and Greece. This would soon lead to the eventual Greek invasion and the overthrowing of his government…

Makarios’s military changes on the 2nd July 1974 is what caused the Greek junta to finally act and invade. The decision was finalised on the 11th and the coup would take place on the 15th. Greek army forces, the Cyprus National Guard & EOKA-B would all participate.

THE GREEK INVASION OF CYPRUS‼️ By the end of the 15th, Greek forces controlled all of Nicosia and fascist Nicos Sampson had declared the establishment of the “Hellenic Republic of Cyprus”. Meanwhile Makarios had managed to escape the attack on the presidential palace.

Makarios gave two infamous speeches following the invasion. The first in Paphos at a radio station and the second in front of the UN Security Council. In both he clearly states that the island has been invaded by GREECE #GreekInvasionOfCyprus

But what about the Turkish Cypriots? Unfortunately, many of the enclaves soon became encircled by EOKA-B forces and Turkish Cypriot men were taken to prison camps immediately. Thankfully, hope arrived once Türkiye initiated phase 1 of the Cyprus Peace Operation 🇹🇷👏

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