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Jul 16, 2022, 9 tweets

📚 Learning Moment.

Is this tweet a scam? 👇🏽
(Web3/NFT Edition)

🚩What’s wrong with this tweet?

Let’s talk about the three things I noticed right away. (I’m sure there are more)

🔎 Way more comments than likes (not a great metric but definitely not normal for a real tweet)

🚩Random Linktree / Random Link

🚩Sense of Urgency (“18 hours”)

Alright weird, let’s take a look at the account…

🔎 Kinda odd that they have 50k+ Followers and I don’t follow any of them

Let’s keep digging

From a quick stroll what can we gather?

What I noticed when looking at these tweets 🔎

🚩 Seems like all old tweets are retweets

🚩 The account they retweeted wasn’t their “own account” it was from @TheSaudisNFT <— The Legit Twitter Handle Btw


🔎 This was an obvious example of a fake account

🔎 Fake impersonator accounts tends to only have a few tweets of their own and the rest of their “tweets” are retweets from the real account they are impersonating

Real Account: @TheSaudisNFT

Thanks for reading! Please share this with your friends and let’s educate more people together!

Also checkout our anti-phishing chrome/brave extension!

Website: WalletGuard.app

Next Twitter Space/

🎙Web3 Security Radio: Episode 7🎙

📝 Topics:
- Wallet Drainers
- Discord Cold Admins
- Request Topics via our Discord (Link in Bio)

If you’d like to be a panelist shoot us a DM 🎙


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