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Maker of: @HotEarthBot @TheHurricaneBot You can shout me a coffee! (ia/ia) Aroreretini

Jul 16, 2022, 16 tweets

Everyone let's mass tweet!

Every Sunday 19:00 UTC (gets large chunk of English speaking world at a sensible time).

"Humans have increased the CO₂ concentration 50% from 280ppm to 420ppm. We are now responsible for 33% of the atmosphere's CO₂. #OneThirdCO2"

Please share.

Likely responses:

"Humans only responsible for 3%"

That is a figure that's been bandied about for decades, one that is simply false.

This is how it was calculated:

"420ppm is only 0.042% which is basically nothing."

This is what that looks like and how we have changed it:

The ozone layer which protects us from 99% of high energy carcinogenic ionising UV radiation is 0.001% at its most concentrated.

40 times less dense than CO₂.

A typical cloud, which is a fine mist of water droplets, has 0.5mls per m³ of water.

That is 0.5ppm or 0.00005% water.

"Water vapour is the most important GHG".

Water vapour makes up ~95% of greenhouse gas volume but is 50% of the effect.

CO₂ is ~3.6% of GHG volume but is 20% of the effect.

CO₂ is a powerful GHG which controls the amount of WV in the atmosphere and thus the size of the GHE.

"China emits the most CO₂, why should we bother?"

~50% of emissions come from countries emitting <5% of the total.

"Volcanoes emit far more than humans can."

Complete nonsense.

Humans emit 100 times all the world's volcanoes combined.…

"One burp from <volcano name> emits <some ridiculous figure> times more CO₂ than humans ever could."

Largest recent eruption was Mt Pinatubo in 1991 which emitted 50 million tonnes of CO₂ - what humans can emit in about 12 hours.…

Or in video form:

"You're a scaremongering fool sucked in by Al Gore inc."

You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny.

"CO₂ is plant food. More CO₂ the better!"

Indeed the planet is greening from CO₂ increase however the increased warming will greatly hinder that.

"CO₂ has a logarithmic warming effect."

Logarithms are inverted exponentials. Inputting an exponential into a logarithm results in linear output - the red line in the first image below.

We are increasing the CO₂ concentration exponentially.

Something like this:


The atmosphere isn't 2D

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