Dr. Eric Rafla-Yuan Profile picture
Physician and educator @PsychiatryUCSD | Congressional Fellow @APAPsychiatric | Political Determinants of Health | #MentalHealthMatters 🏳️‍🌈🧠🗽

Jul 17, 2022, 7 tweets

Do you have questions about 9️⃣8️⃣8️⃣?

Here's a quick FAQ to get you up to speed on the new #988Lifeline — because #MentalHealthMatters!

What can I call 988 for?

— Any kind of emotional distress, including thoughts of suicide
— A mental health crisis
— A substance use related crisis

— You can also call 988 if you're worried about a friend or family member who might need help

What happens when you call 988?

— You're connected with a trained crisis counselor who can help figure out the situation over the phone

— If available in your area, they may be able to dispatch a mobile crisis team if needed (often a mental health clinician + peer specialist)

How do I reach 988?

— 988 is available in all 50 States and four US Territories (PR, GU, VI, AS) by...

- Dialing 988 from a landline or cellphone
- Texting 988
- Access via the web at 988lifeline.org

Is 988 free?

— 988 services are always free!

— However, if you're on a plan with limited minutes or texts, your standard phone rates may apply (Best to check with your carrier for specifics if you're on one of these plans)

Thanks for reading about 988 and please help spread the word about the #988Lifeline — help is just a call away!

Anyone. Anytime. Anywhere.

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