Kate Halliwell Profile picture
@ringer/@spotify | @teatime_33 | sometimes writing, always stanning

Jul 17, 2022, 11 tweets

#DreamcatcherinLA kicking it off with Maison 🔥

omg Piri… a gift! #DreamcatcherinLA

an honor and a privilege to see Handong’s arms IRL #DreamcatcherinLA

sooo true Handong 👀#DreamcatcherinLA

Yoohyeon very much understanding the Black or White assignment #DreamcatcherinLA

Siyeon rlly working the crowd over here #DreamcatcherinLA

it is CHAOS over here #DreamcatcherinLA

tag yourself i’m Gahyeon bailing out early #DreamcatcherinLA

not to be dramatic but this is the gayest kpop concert i’ve ever been to, and i’ve been to a lot (obviously this is a good thing) #DreamcatcherinLA

pretty sure Yoohyeon just put on a fan’s shirt for her solo performance #DreamcatcherinLA

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