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Jul 18, 2022, 13 tweets

I’m going to try to resist the urge to live tweet my attempts to get my daughter’s passport in person on the hottest day of the year but I can’t promise anything... #passportchaos
I am on a bus...

Absolute scenes at passport office #passportchaos

There’s a form but no pens #passportchaos

2 hours. In sight of the door... #passportchaos

A nice man just gave me one of his doughnuts #passportchaos

So close now. Sun is coming round. Getting hotter. #passportchaos

News crew here. Tempers are fraying. I can still touch the door... #passportchaos

I’m finally inside the building. Four hours. There was a flurry of bottled water and movement as the cameras arrived. I’m sure it was a coincidence #passportchaos

Ok. I’m out. No sodding passport. Have to wait for an email #passportchaos Not happy.

WE HAVE RECEIVED THE EMAIL. I REPEAT: WE HAVE RECEIVED THE EMAIL! #passportchaos My wife (not me apparently) can pick up the passport from 4pm today!

I have no idea whether anything I did made any difference but the email has now arrived.

She has it in her hands. Didn’t think I’d EVER be this pleased to see a blue bloody passport... #passportchaos

My #passportchaos story made it into The Independent… even if they have mis-pronouned me in the picture caption……

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