Eileen Ormsby Profile picture
True Crime writer, mostly writes about the dark web. Check out my books or contact me: https://t.co/UrzT1lO94Z PGP KEY ID: 8EC8CD70798E28DDBC958EDFB2AD8A7D97CE9EB1

Jul 18, 2022, 18 tweets

It's a while since a darknet market had an interesting new UX. Here's a bit about the dark web's Incognito Market

There are a couple of new CAPTCHAs to get through before hitting the sign up/login page

Once you're registered, you'll also be asked to decrypt a PGP message before you're allowed back in

On registering, you are provided with a random secret login word you need to use every time, as well as a mnemonic. Then you are assigned a random avatar

Other security measures include a Canary and your own personal links to bookmark to access the market in future

And finally, we're in. It is a clean and attractive interface

First-timers can check their DNM knowledge with an OPSEC quiz

There are a lot more questions than I thought there would be

Still going. One takeaway is that English is not the first language of whoever wrote the quiz

Being a girly swot, I was hoping to get to the end and get my score

But the questions started to repeat themselves, so eventually I gave up. I'd say I was proud of my knowledge, but most of the questions had only one answer that made any sense

The terms of service are interesting. This is a pure drugs market - no fraud stuff, porn, weapons etc. The sale of fent is banned and vendors who show a negative fentanyl test get a "FENT FREE" banner

Also a new one for DNMs - democratic governance. I think this is a bit of a novelty and unworkable in the long term for any major decision-making, but an interesting experiment

They have a bug bounty, which seems to promise relatively low rewards, but presumably these will rise if the market gains traction

The market accepts BTC and XMR deposits and also has an exchange for those who can't figure out how to get their own Monero. It seems to be an on-market wallet, moving away from the "walletless" approach favored by WHM

A leaderboard. Not sure of its function

Set your local currency, and you're good to go

Please note this thread is not meant to be an endorsement in any way

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