Raymond Chang Profile picture
Pres. @aachristcollab || Christianity & Culture | PhD in process

Jul 19, 2022, 7 tweets

Just landed in LA to join the @aachristcollab Asian American History #reclaimtrip.

Starting at the First Korean Presbyterian church in LA and what used to be the Korean National Association.

This is the first Korean Church in LA, established in 1906 (building built in 1938).

This is the first Korean Church building to be built from the ground up. It was built in 1938 after purchasing the lot in 1936. The first Korean church established was in Hawaii in 1903.

This is the interior of the building.

It’s an aging congregation.

At the Korean National Association museum where we are learning about the independence movement that took place here in the US during Japanese colonial rule over Korea.

It’s great to see so many people from different generations on the #reclaimtrip.

A little bit of Korean American history in four panels.

Four more panels on early Korean American history

One of my @WheatonCollege students is also on the trip as he is from one of the churches in Boston that is participating in the trip. He’s trying to play the song of establishment of the Korean National Association.

They had already been to Chinatown and Koreatown before I got in. I’m excited for everyone to explore Little Tokyo tomorrow.

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